About pricing
The prices listed below are intended as a guide only.
Your actual quote will depend on the nature and requirements of your project.
For your personalised quote, please use the Contact Form or send me an email with the details of your project.
Please note that pricing will vary depending on various factors such as (but not limited to): 1. The complexity of the content. 2. The quality of the translation to be checked or the audio to be transcribed/subtitled. 3. The availability of glossaries, style guides, or translation memories. (Providing glossaries, translation memories or style guides of may attract a discount.) 4. The amount and complexity of formatting required. 5. The strictness of deadlines.* *Urgent translations (with deadlines less than 24 hours, or requiring the translation of more than 4000 Japanese characters per day) may attract a surcharge of an additional 25% on top of the regular fee.
I offer a number of translation and linguistic services.
If the service you require is not listed below, please don't hesitate to get in touch to enquire!
Japanese → English:
From 0.10 USD / Japanese character
English → Japanese:
From 0.16 USD / English word
Editing / Revision
From 0.06 USD / Japanese character
English Texts:
From 0.12 USD / English word
From 0.05 USD / English word
*Only available for texts written/translated by native English speakers
Japanese-to-English Translations: Professional and accurate English translations of Japanese texts. Tailored for your particular purposes and target audience! Available in: ● Australian English ● British English ● American English English-to-Japanese Translations: Japanese translations of English texts are available through my partner company, Very Best Language Services and will be completed by native Japanese speakers to ensure you get the highest quality translation.
Have your translations perfected by a native English speaker with a strong background in linguistics! This step may include fact-checking, rearranging paragraphs to improve readability, and fixing any mistranslations made by the original translator. Ensure your text is perfect and ready for its intended purpose!
The final check of a document to fix any errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or formatting. An indispensable step for ensuring perfection in important documents and customer-facing texts such as websites or marketing. With my keen eye for detail and passion for perfection, no error will be left unnoticed!
Did you know?
The Difference Between Editing and Proofreading
While often used interchangeably, editing and proofreading are actually different tasks!
Editing involves comparing the translation to the source text and fixing any errors made be the original translator.
It may also include fact-checking and rearranging paragraphs to improve readability.
*Proofreading is a final check to fix minor errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting.
It can be done without the source text, which is why it is usually charged per English word rather than per Japanese source character.
English Audio:
From 4 USD / audio minute
Japanese Audio:
From 6 USD / audio minute
English Audio:
From 4 USD / audio minute
Japanese Audio:
From 12 USD / audio minute
Japanese → English:
From 0.12 USD / Japanese character
US → AU English:
From 0.08 USD / English word
Convert recorded audio into written form, either with or without timestamps. Choose if you'd like the transcription to be word-for-word, or if you'd like things like filler words, stutters, and self corrections omitted for readability. Transcription of Japanese audio is available through my partner company, Very Best Language Solutions.
Diligently arranged subtitles that accurately convey the message and intent while ensuring comfortable viewing by your audience. For Japanese audio, a transcription provided by a native Japanese speaker is required. Please note that I may ask my partner company, Very Best Language Solutions, to provide this.
Maximise the impact of your text by having it linguistically and culturally adapted for your target audience. Don't risk losing customers due to misunderstood cultural references or unfamiliar phrases! I specialise in localisation for an Australian market.
Review &
Quality Assurance
From 30 USD / hour
(Prices determined per project)
Online Tutoring
(Coming soon!)
Private Lesson: 40 USD/hour
Reassurance that your texts are perfect. Have your texts thoroughly checked to confirm that all instructions and guidelines have been adhered to, terminology and wording is consistent and correct, and that there are no linguistic, formatting, or other errors or issues, such as broken hyperlinks. My superior knowledge of grammar and punctuation, eagle eye for detail, and desire for perfectionism will ensure your text has achieved perfection!
A combination of the words "translation" and "creation", transcreation is a mix of translation, creativity, and copywriting. Perfect for when merely translating the words just won't have the desired effect on your intended audience! Perfect candidates for transcreation include: ● Advertising & Marketing ● Video games ● Literature ● Film and TV
Private online lessons Available for the following subjects: ● ESL (English as a Second Language) ● Translation Studies ● Japanese language* (Beginner, Intermediate, JLPT preparation) *Although I offer tutoring in Japanese language for beginners and intermediate learners, I highly recommend studying with a native Japanese teacher. If you would like to get in contact with a native Japanese teacher, please feel free to contact me for recommendations.
Partner Company
If you require translation from English into Japanese, this will be provided by a native Japanese speaker through my partner company,
Very Best Language Solutions.
Contact me
Contact me today for a quote or more information!
You can reach me via email (zoe@ezotranslation.com), phone (+61 415 806 690), social media,
or by filling in the Contact Form.
Are you requesting a translation?
Details to Provide
For translation requests, please provide as much information as you can about the following:
● Type of document
(e.g., novel, website, brochure, CV/résumé, blog post)
● Topic/Industry
(e.g., business, marketing, gaming, electronics, hospitality)
● Purpose of the translation
(e.g., marketing to international customers, education, entertainment)
● Target audience
(e.g., customers, colleagues abroad, readers in the US)
● English variety
(British English, US English, Australian English)
● Length
(Approximate word/character count, number of pages, length of video, etc.)
● Other Instructions
(Any style guides, glossaries, etc. that you'd like me to follow*)
*I may be able to offer you a discount for providing reference materials such as style guides, glossaries, or previous translations of similar materials (if materials provided result in a reduction in time spent doing research, etc.)
This information will assist me in providing you with an accurate quote, and the highest quality translation possible.
About Privacy
Please be aware that you may be asked to send me the document(s) to be translated prior to receiving your quote. This is so I can confirm the subject matter and number of Japanese characters in the text, as well as identify any possible issues to clarify with you before starting the translation. (e.g., To check if possibly irrelevant text may be omitted, lowering the cost for you). Rest assured that all of your documents and personal information will be kept confidential, and any personal files will be removed from my computer following completion of the project and payment of invoices. Your files will also be removed in the event that you decide to withdraw your request. I adhere to the AUSIT Code of Ethics and Conduct for translators and interpreters in Australia. Please see the section on Confidentiality (screenshot below) for more details.
AUSIT Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct, (2012), Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators Inc, page 8.
Full text available here.
Contact me
Contact me today for a quote or more information!
You can reach me via email (zoe@ezotranslation.com), phone (+61 415 806 690), social media,
or by filling in the Contact Form.